Access Control
In the fields of physical security and information security, access control is the selective restriction of access to a place or other resource. The act of accessing may mean consuming, entering, or using. Permission to access a resource is called authorization.The term ‘Access Control’ generally refers to a system that can control, monitor and restrict the movement of people, assets or vehicles, in, out and around a building or site. The benefits of using an access control system include the prevention of loss or damage to capital assets and the reduced risk of personal injury to staff and visitors. Access control applications range from controlling a single entrance door to managing a large complex site.
Adept tech access control solutions range from card/proximity access systems to intelligent and modern technologies such as IRIS access control. The provided access control solutions vary in size from single room stand-alone access to fully integrated solutions for large corporations. Thanks to our global partners, we use the latest technologies, and source from the leading, global names in access control field.

Qatar’s Ministry of Interior is apparently stepping up enforcement of a law that requires businesses around the country to install closed-circuit camera surveillance on their premises.

Law No. 9 of 2011 mandates that surveillance cameras be installed in residential compounds, hospitals, malls, banks, hotels, warehouses and other locations, and is enforced by the MOI’s SSD.
- Surveillance Systems
Approved by Ministry of Interior (MoI) of state of Qatar, Adept tech is designing and integrating advanced surveillance systems and solutions for retails, businesses, commercial and residential.
- Home Automation
With our automation solutions, you can easily control everything in your home, room-by-room, using our ultra-cool touch screens and remotes, or anytime, anywhere from your favorite smart device.
- Structured Cabling
To address the rapid convergence of different network traffic such as data, voice, and video, Adept tech designs, terminates, and commissions the latest Category 6 cable infrastructure using fiber
- Infrastructure Network
We architect and build state-of-the-art infrastructure networks as well as integrating with 3rd party applications and systems. We are here to build, expand and maintain telecom networks faster, more reliable and more cost efficient.
- Supply of Security Equipment
Adept tech has a dedicated skillful procurement department for supply of supply of CCTV products to all security sectors in Qatar. Adept tech is the exclusive representative and distributer of several famous UK CCTV companies such as Adept, EMTEVision and QVIS in the state of Qatar.